Nurul Atikah bte Sari | atie is prefered. (aa-tee) | TWENTY but im still a teen~ |
4teen DECEMBER 9teen9ty |
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title: see..
i knew i'd know the truth some day i knew i was right and i knew i was the very fool and i knew very well.. so very well.. you were very much confused.. but three months has past.. why am i still here..? only one reason cus i was; and still am a fool who believed in you too much and trusted you too deep well.. nothing else can happen now nothing worst~ what can i do? i already told you to put my broken heart in an envlope and send it back to me right? =) |
title: walking around + cold office + super cold bus ride home + having to stand = left knee in super pain..
been really long since my left knee acted up in pain.. damn. my knee was never in pain tho SR was cold.. but now?? gosh~ not like SR is not cold not like i didn't stand to work back in SR.. i did whaaat~ but why NOW then the knee act up..? its irritating ya know! tsk. and thanx uh gurls. comp lagi brape hari je oi! maseh perangai ekh korang.. kaoz~ lau ni mcm jugak puas hati jangan nak beranagan nak masok comp lagi uh nak ni nak tu tapi tanak buat.. what the hell for?? fuck~ and i owe 2 working hours just so i can go for trainings. bey korang perangai. *rolls eyes* serious uh aku dah binget ngan korang dengan perangai korang so much for being decipline~! mati uh aku dah malas. aku rase.. lau aku dah gian nah nak ber-dk lagik aku panggel sesape yg nak join aku pi main nan team lain uh tak leh tahan sak ni mcm prangai.. so not the people i use to know.. pfft |
title: =\\\ I SUPER SADDED~!!
bcs when i lunch.. i eat alone =\ and i always feel stupid when i eat alone IM SERIOUS~!! and seems like food at work sucks like to the max-est max~! farQ! and is expensive~!! =\ i don't like total waste of money! a plate of nasi goreng (nasi kurang ey kak) plus ikan and telo goreng cost me SIX FREAKING DOLLARS AND THIRTY CENTS~!!! =\ and best of all.. i couldn't finish it cus it taste ugly.. all three days lunching cus i didn;t lunch on wed i couldn't finish my food first day ate fun choy.. didn't finish -___-" second day, ate nasi ayam.. didn't finish also today eat nasi camur.. ALSO COULDN'T FINISH~! pfft~! waste money! if my manager asks me again if i have regrets.. i'll say yes. CUS LUNCH SUCK! haha.. boleh gitu? and.. is it just me.. or is work life like this.. do all managers have unpredictable swing of moods..? heh~ i'll do up my notes on sat.. im sleepy now.. training better make the 2 hours i owe worth it! pft~! |
title: movie + SHOPPING~!! Ibu really wanted to catch a movie
i thought of going for Evolusi KL Drift but no morning shows.. so we watched How to Train Your Dragon instead.. of cus watching a movie with your mum ain't as fun as catching it with your friends.. cus one thing for sure.. i like to talk alot.. and when i talk to Ibu in the cinema.. she doesn't get me. -___-" haha anyway.. teh movie was great teaches you to trust~ it makes you go.. "awwww" movie was at 1.20pm so we went to shop for my new work wear.. Ibu was like this is nice.. that is nice.. you should wear this.. you should get that.. and all she was looking at was the size.. and i was like *pull out price tag, shriek;"ibuuu~ mahal nye. tak ya la"* i mean like seriously.. not like as if i have to wear formal like super formal office wear.. just have to be presentable and smart.. so i got 2 tops and a dress Ibu got a similar dress.. only of a different colour. =) i was like feeling2 la shopping.. fun dok! i wonder how will it be if i have like millions of dollars.. go shop till i drop!! haha ouh.. i'll show you peeps my very special movie ticket.. i bet 90% of you never had such entry passes before! next post la kay. im too lazy to get the cam and load the pic. heh~ im very thankful of Ibu.. times like this.. i really wonder how in the whole wide world would i ever repay her kindness.. seriously how do you or would you repay your mum's kindness.. everything that she had and will always do for you..? well.. jari ku sudah bengkak.. SLA preview was short and simple. and my finger is swollen. =\ please please jangan koyak please.. omg~ sedaaaap jek pukol rotan.. tapi belom season.. ni la jadik nye. =\ i need to get the rotan pukol-ing technique correct. like "abg ayril" said.. kau gi pukol pakai tu buat pe.. pakai la ni.. bunyik pon lagi sedap.. haha. yea~ i noe.. aku selenge.. but still.. it feels nice to me to pukol like tt.. tho the sound tak best hahahaha ok off to sleep beybehs~ muacks muacks~ |
title: to the GFs http://atyekqah.tumblr.com/post/521423954/cus-all-answers-are-in-the-heart
=\\ |
title: well mannered boys always make you melt somehow..
money and motorcycle are not everything to win a girl's heart ya know! of cus its something but NOT EVERYthing~ ouh yes. im suppose to sleep to training or to not training..? hmm.. |
title: dumdummm haha.. yes. i felt more of a dumdum today~
but ouh well.. ain't that atie to start with? and yeah bebeh.. the name Nurul is so gona stick for work.. ouh well.. i was super afraid of what to text the manager early in the morning my concern was seriously commitment.. that was the only only concern in mind. but im super glad the manager actually understand my dream =)))) and was willing to make things work; give and take situation. =) and why did i feel like a dumdum you ask.. cus its true what the manager said he was shocked to see my text mxg saying that i agree to take up the job offer.. when i have yet to confirm what my job scope is so how much dumb-er can lil miss atie get? we'll find out la yer.. hehe ouh ya! i was dumb enuf to go meet the manager wearing my skinies and a basic tee.. HAHA. jeans ekh. tak betol pey budak. jobs in hospitals may not be related to science. and this.. is so far off from what i learn in school yet im still going for it cus i dun wan the mother to start nagging heh. kay.. i feel sleepy enough. byee friends of the dumdummm |
title: bleargh things i have to consider
#1 will it be seriously just a temp job? #2 am i seriously up for it? #3 will pay-work load ratio be fine? #4 am i capable of coping? damn. i don't wana struggle coping on TWO things.. idk~ there seems to be so many things i have to consider which is more important to me right now? my dreams of being committed to the arts or work?? will ayah be a serious pain in the ass nagger who will nag about the shift work?? i seriously have to think and kak N is like not in the mood to talk that's helping~ =\ gosh i think i need to sit under the shower head and think real deep.. i don't want to struggle i definitely wana try something i do wana look to to challenges.. BUT.. i seriously don't want to struggle.. comp is just around the corner.. i still gta think.. what if we get to the finals.. i need to commit my tempo is seriously beginner's level and im playing with an expert level rebanist.. and even if we don't get to the finals.. we have another upcoming competition which only students from the school and the recent alumni batch can participate.. i need to weigh my commitments.. i don't know~!!!!!!!! where are my sister/advisor figures when i need them?? gosh.. never have i been placed in such situations.. i feel super lost!!!! help? |
title: bluek! ciggs
lead to alcohol *pukes* leads to tabs leads to chaos and guess what i hate them all |
title: ouh baby~ and i was "stuck" cus of Art & El on Suria
enjoy~ *sings*;"hit me baby one more timeeee" |
title: *yawns* been feeling very very super sleepy these days..
much easier for me to fall a sleep. its gud. its guuuuuuud. budden again. im still ouh-so-sleeeeeeepyyyy even times like this.. in the noon gosh i just wana get back to bed~! can i just sleep my days away? i still feel super lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy~ pleasE? |
title: it's true we are just.. member tangge.. ryt? hahahahaha |
title: slurp! yummieh~
im slurping down my fav cup of drink.. TEA! and no this time i ain't drinking my all time must have Chrysanthemum tea but my home made mint tea =)) well Ibu is cooking Briani rice for Ustaz at the Masjid so i asked for some mint leaves and made my cup of tea yummieeeeeeeeeee~!! =)) i think Jay is the biggest influence to my 2nd fav tea~ =) hehe~ yummie mint tea~ it makes my throat full of ulcers feel much much better right now i LOOOOVE it =)) byee sumer *happily slurping her mint tea* |
title: fever gone = YEAH~! FAT HOPE!! gosh
this sickness is even worst than the time when i was down with H1N1~!! at least that point of time i was just weak I COULD STILL EAT only that i don't have the mood to i had diarrhoea but so what? i'd rather go to the toilet every 5 minutes than to be hungry all day long! and ouh i hate being sick cus when im sick i get all whinny and all kiddish crying and whining and a lil bossy it just suck i feel like an 8 year old =\ and another reason why i hate being sick right now cus my fever was like 38.4 and since H1N1 when ever fever hits more den 38 my head just go crazy when it has subside it keeps spinning and gets super heavy it just suck! PLUS with the diagnosed-as-swollen-throat cus i think that it's ulcer I CAN'T EAT PROPERLY DOH~! and i cried my afternoon away just because ibu wasn't home and i was super hungry on other hungry days i'd cook some rice and fry some eggs BUT I COULDN'T SWALLOW PROPERLY~! and i don't know how to make myself a pot of porridge -_-" and i only stop crying when i puked out my medication. =\ suck ey? and im whining now cus my throat hurts like crazy =\\ |
title: sickkkkkk wahlau~
im so sick! it has been really long since i feel this sick =\\ really been sleeping and crying the whole day been complaining of super coldness.. after medication and sleep.. i'll be perspiring like mad~! it so super cold my little fingers have gone numb. its just so super cold. =\\ |