Nurul Atikah bte Sari | atie is prefered. (aa-tee) | TWENTY but im still a teen~ |
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title: jealous much..? tsk..
you should know it's post Grad period right now esp when you scroll through my friends list where ALMOST everyone have their grad robes on.. NO! im not jealous cus i didn't graduate or didn't get to wear mine.. i did graduate! and i wore my robe~! im jealoused of those who take proud pics with their parents.. smiling hugging kissing.. and what did i have on my grad day..? parents who argue w eachother who didn't even wait for my camera to come who didn't even went to the food reception area who didn't even meet my 3 years long friends.. fuck. im so deprived of it can i go back to school complete something.. and graduate again this time with my parents around with pictures.. not only normal pictures but pictures showing how much they are proud of me.. i just ask for an evidence of appreciation just a lil prof some support. pfft~ do i have to do everything on my own?? one thing i can definately fdo on my own hate both of you. thank you eh! |
title: PFTT~!!! ok.
i used to spell it as pfft. i dunoe why i spell it as pftt now. kay that's besides the point kay. fk~ i hate work right now nothing falls into place!!! im not getting my flows right wards ain't being nice to me. discharges are like.. WHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT?? and there ain't a thing in the whole huge hospital which is making me want to go to work.. if anything, it makes me NOT want to go. suck ey? pftt! ouh. one of the work mates said "mcm hensem jek dek ni" when she heard the s/n from of of d wards' voice.. and i knew instantly who she was talking about *heh. aku mentel. tau la. so?* aku dah sengeh2 sndri sak biler dier ckp tu mcm. ye laaa. aku tau la aku metel. blh diam taaaaak? i wana do the first cluster again pleaseeeee. =\\ i need motivation for work! =) and yes. the sr crew is storying about that liar. woah~ he seriously is a stupid idiotic liar. yes saifullah anwar im talking about you. who else la kan? |
title: time = NOT VALID can i key in the "if then else" codes into my life..
gosh~ it'll save me from all the stupid mind-manipulating guys and heart aches.. so many things to do so many things to say so many cracks to heal.. so sooo little time. tsk. i wana sing i wana dance i wana scream out loud i wana fly i wana jump i wana run! i wana ride like the road never ends.. but time doesn't permit. end soon please.. or just let someting come which will make everything much muuuuch so much easier.. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee |
title: over the ocean, into the waters..? ouh just dorwn me in the sea.
cus my own tears won't do good. cheebai~! its the same week we met its the same week! gaah! fuck! its not even a freaking month! NO! NOT EVEN A FREAKING MONTH~!!! so many lies so many! just so fucking many~! too much. urgh~ YOU ARE ONE BIG FAT LIAR~! for someone so fucking skinny -.- ouh. tears won't do me any good cus they ain't falling =) musibat betol. |
title: i now know what's bothering me.
and yes.. it was since comp day cus when i see his face it's all reated to the misery.. but it's not him im blaming.. its him he left her just like that he left me just as such and its so easy for him to find her.. so much for his words.. i told myself i didn't know him well enough.. i don't even know him.. i bet he'll leave her just as such too.. there ain't a doubt in the world how much hurt i felt knowing these shits and how much of a fool i feel.. and there ain't any reasons for me to miss you either boy.. but fuck my life everything reminds me of you that part suck the most. pfft! |
title: unspoken words; miscommunication..? like seriously people~!
does adding up at any "friend adding/making applications" means that someone like you? does clicking the button "accept friend request" = liking you? does clicking the "reply" button to your message = liking you? does adding you = liking you? does hitting the enter button after whatever you type on MSN = liking you??????? LIKE WTH?~! ape dah gang~ lu pahal doh..?? *ehem* okay let's not go to that tone.. like seriously.. does doing all that means that i like someone..? to the extend that i am in the stage of "i wana noe u better cus i think i like you more than anyone else right now" yes..? no..? im taking time off my sleep cus something which is super curious-ing me happened. firstly.. -_____-" bro! like serious uh de~ gua tak da papa sama lu uh de. lu lek uh.. lek.. chill.. gua okay je.. gua sumorg pon gua bual.. gua baik punya orang uh de.. lu lek.. chill chill.. *okay teet! apparently i like to immitate those mat-rep shows from Malaysian drama/movies* if the answers are all yes to the questions on my first paragrahp.. then sorry uh if a wrong message was sent cus obviously i've stated clearly in all my profiles im hangin around to have friends cus obviously i ain't ready for anything more than that at this point of "ouh fuck you damn it this is so irritating" time of my life. and if you don't know. i've been treated like shit by 2 people. and they ment the whole world to me at those points of time ya a. im still waiting for the lil cute cupid to come. i thnik he have yet to arrive cus i just think so and i don't want him to come just yet okay so please. GO AWAY.. for now thank you =) and seriously bro idk what you're up to idk what's in your mind but obviously it aint in mine. so please.. me adding or accepting your friend request doesn't = to me liking you like like you me replying to your messages doesn't = to me liking you either neither dose me replying your MSN messages = to me liking you okay ni la. orang da dewase sangat.. haizz.. tak paham sayer bang.. sila bersila.. ehh sila explain. 0_____o" |
title: sobs we didn't make it
and i have yet to cry my heart out.. #1 we were so super great up there #2 i finally achieved my dream and proved to myself i can do it! #3 great comments and compliments we were so close but our competitors were better they are more experienced and their name is already up there at the standards and maybe.. just maybe.. it sin't our time yet fate decided that it ain't our time yet i cried cus we didn't make it i really hope that we did cus of the compliments and confidence and moreover, we had the crowd applauding for us it has been a long time since we last had that.. right now im just so tired and shagged i just feel like sleeping right this minute but i have a test tmr and i have yet to remember a thing and i have yet to do up my notes.. can i sleep first wake up and mandi then do my notes? ok. i'll sleep on the sofa. im so tired.. gosh~ i feel dumb to not walk in and out and play in the rain i wish im sick now so i can take mc. im super tired gud nyt.. see u later |
title: IT'S TOMORROW~!! yes yes~!
omg~!! the long awaited day is tomorrow~! i panicked just now during training before we did the last set, Nafis told me to not look stress concentrating on the beats instead he asked me to look up straight and smile don't let the judges, neither the audiences see my stressed face and when we were about to start our last set of training i panicked my heart raced like it never did before and i was almost in tears im serious~! it hit me then the day im waiting for is finally coming the dream i've been waiting for and wanting so much is finally coming true my eyes were flooding my heart raced my faced showed it i felt my mouth trying its best to curve into a smile but failed i kept looking down then up to the ceiling and down again tears almost rolled down my cheeks i was so terrified about what might happen on the grand stage tomorrow but still kipping my tempo and beats in mind the plaster on my finger gave way and it hurt hitting the anak rebana but i continued im not to stop at all finally the set came to an end i was so relieved i checked my finger it's still safe no blisters no cuts no blood thank god. we did what we always do to gain our confidence gather in a circle but this time was a lil different i cried my eyes out.. the moment mak esah said those very words; "gurls, tmr is the day" she made us say out the reasons why we are going up on stage tmr everyone said their thoughts wanting to make Endang proud wanting to prove to people that we can do it i said my piece; wanting to achieve my dream of playing the anak rebana on stage and lastly the thing that made me tear even more was when she said; "im doing this because i love all of you" wasn't the very touching? other than Izyan, Mak Esah is the one who had been with Endang thru out the whole journey she had been in all the competitions that Endang took part in and seriously i am proud of her =) after her say we did what we do best put our hearts together and sing out our "encouragement" line 'Selembut Sutra Kekata Ninda Lemah Gemalai Endang Bersuara..' i couldn't bring myself to it i could only shut my eyes tight cover my mouth and cried my heart out and here i am tearing up again cus tomorrow is really coming in less than 24 hours, i'd be up on stage doing what i've dream of doing i don't care if noone is gona be proud of me for doing it actually i do care. i wana prove to someone i can do what he wanted me to but it doesn't matter now. tomorrow is gona be a huge day for me just a short 11 minutes will make a difference and im terrified of the out come im worried of my mistakes which might happen all the best to the rest who are taking part.. and to Endang MUAXX~!! tnx for the opportunity~! |
title: wadduppp okay.
ignore the stupid last post *emo or wat????* ahaa and it doesn't matter does it? =) so work has been.. err ok la~ still under training have yet to learn alot of things and face moreeee things so if u ask me now how my job is i'll say manageable but maybe a month later.. i'll say it's hell! hahaha anyway comp is round the coner TWO MORE TRAININGS LEFT~!! scarded man! and ryt after comp i got my test DOUBLE SCARDED MAN~! haha okay time for me to mandi and sleep. damn im gna b sleepy at work~! haha |