Nurul Atikah bte Sari | atie is prefered. (aa-tee) | TWENTY but im still a teen~ |
4teen DECEMBER 9teen9ty |
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title: home. sick. leave. home sick. sick leave. home, sick, leave..
different terms eyy~ whatever about that im just sick at home right now.. and on MC pftttt~ for the first time since joining work.. i am on mc. bleah. potong gaji! pft but yea.. i still feel like throwing up right now.. but im hungry.. tsk. another 40$ gone for medication lucky ibu has cash.. else.. no food at work for me till pay in.. doc diagnosed it at gastric flu.. fcuk. bullshit sia. just bcs i haf tummy cramps.. and a lil flu symptom = gastric flu..? gosh.. shud haf just taken nursing course sey dlu.. kan lagik pandai jadik nyer =) anywhats~ im super hungry now.. just hope i dont throw up again. grr~ |
title: whole huge world or so i believe..
it doesn't matter if u mean nothing to them. as long as they mean or meant the whole huge world to u, they r allowed in. =) just keep it low. and yes.. this is on my twitter and FB.. whoever was in your heart will always stay in your heart it doesn't matter if he/she was your greatest friend way back in primary school or your first crush or your first love or your best-est bunch of pals.. it really doesn't matter.. and it really double doesn't matter if you don't mean a single thing to them anymore.. as long as you had loved them with your whole huge pure heart and they had once stayed in there.. and made an impact in your life.. they are allowed to forever stay in.. cus let's face it.. even when you try to wash that sambal off your favourite white tee.. the stain would be there.. a few seconds of sambal on your white tee would leave a stain.. what more a whole long period of loving and keeping that someone in your heart.. no matter how shattered your heart would be in the end.. he/she will still leave a mark to it.. the more you try to erase the mark.. the worst the condition of your heart.. so once you've erased enough.. stop right there and let them stay.. cus if you continue.. it'll worsen.. with that i am not embarrassed to admit that those 2 guys are still in my heart those 4 gurls who had made my life almost a living hell in upper secondary are still in my heart, for making a difference in my lower sec life.. and my 3 gurls.. are forever.. and will forever always be in my heart.. i'll never stop praying.. so that i would always remember and appreciate the reasons why they had walked in and out of my life.. and i'll never stop praying.. so that they would always remember or at least appreciate the time when i had been there with them.. =) |
title: missed much! |
title: stop thinking..? no..? like seriously..
when in the whole wide world would i like stop using my brain and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze all these brain juices out?? im tired of thinking leh gosh i used to enjoy working and getting cash in hand even a mere 500$ per month can satisfy me. why? because then, my parents still provide for me.. yes, food and transport.. so i don't have to worry much. now? haizz.. a $1000 ain't even enough.. YES. DOUBLE THE AMOUNT AINT ENOUGH. cus i have to pay everything on my own what more.. transport fare is much much super much more duper more expensive-er than ever. OMG! it used to cost me $1.31 per trip to work.. now? since they changed the fare to fit KM instead of stops.. it reached $1.45!!!!! money ripping country! =\\\ i still have home bill to pay for hp bill, which have yet to be accumulated, to pay for.. this cute pink lappy to pay for.. increasing transport fare.. FOOD COST~! i.c.a.n. dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya Allah.. save me please.. and as long as i haven't finish paying for this lappy.. i can like kiss my dreams of enrolling for bike/car license byebyeeee~ gta start going to sheng shiong and buying food cooking at night and packing food to work. and i guess only after im confirmed.. then i'll think of license.. cus i crnt possibly make my head learn tooooooo many things at once right? one thing at a time beb.. one thing at a time.. =) |
title: thank you i was reminded of this song when i heard stories..
i remember how way back then i regret being close to one of my friends.. so yah.. here is to those great friends who are betrayed by their very own close ones which they would do anything for.. |
title: NOT working! call me cengeng
call me whiny call me whatever you feel like calling me but i wana state my point here.. im hating how it is turning out to be. yet im keeping it from be known because it never is nice to go back on your words and make things difficult for people.. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE MAKING THINGS HARD FOR ME i just need my dose of GFs, cold quiet windy place, ciggs and story telling time.. i wana cry. |