Nurul Atikah bte Sari | atie is prefered. (aa-tee) | TWENTY but im still a teen~ |
4teen DECEMBER 9teen9ty |
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title: i wish im still a student
i wish i failed my ut3 i wish i am not working i wish to not be an adult i wish for this time of the month to never come again i wish i could just stop thinking so the head wont be so messed up and so the tears wont flow every time of the month i wish there were nicer people around i wish to never met new people and that those existing in my life to never go away and i guess its true when tears fall from ur left eyes first its pain.. cus all that cam out were those from the left.. watever d fuck whoever read this and the previous post and think that you wana report to anyone.. just go ahead. if this happens again next month.. i wont stay.. |
title: time of the month ouh i really hate this time of the month
you people have no freaking idea how much i freaking hate this time of the month nothing ever go right! and today is another of the suckiest day at work.. i sure am right about my "theory" but im still trying to talk my head out of it.. this just suck.. if this continues.. im so leaving no mater what stupid promises i've made kalau orang tak appreciate aku.. kenape aku kene appreciate orang tu..? aku senyap salah aku speak up salah bey aku nak kene buat ape sak?? and aku betol tak faham ape salah aku buat. sumpah. ey bual uh geng. kau tak bilang aku bey ape?? fedup siol~ ya la true~ i dunoe what mistakes i do unless you tell me. sape yang pernah realise dier punyer mistake if its not reflected upon them??? sumaph tadi aku macam nak cabot kerje okay. tak de sorang pon yang turon okay ader sorang uh tapi tu kul brape sey.. aku kesejukan nak mampos aku lapa to the max aku haus boleh pengsan aku nak pergi toilet~ Sunday~ just please be nice to me.. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE tsk.. with the nice people around.. who talks to me so nicely.. going off.. .. ... who would i be turning to..? =\\\\ how i wish i could just turn back time and not take this offer as my first full time job.. urgh. fucklife~ i hate this so much! on anther note.. have i ever said anything great about the job..? apart from a treat once.. ouh i need my does of dk~ FUCKLIFE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |