Nurul Atikah bte Sari | atie is prefered. (aa-tee) | TWENTY but im still a teen~ |
4teen DECEMBER 9teen9ty |
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title: Things I’ve heard from boys.. * If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have done whatever you were sorry for, in the first place. “I didn’t mean to hurt you “ * It’s done, in the end, you hurt me anyway. “Let’s be friends” * Do you think i would be able to be friends with someone who broke my heart and had history with ? It will never work. “I love you, not her” * If you really did love me, there wouldn’t even be a “her” “I regret leaving you, take me back “ * No, you don’t. You just want me back because your hoe left you and you’re lonely or because I’m happy without you. |
title: Redah~ just focus from 4:40 to 5:15 mins jika seseorang itu hadir dalam hidup saya & jadi sebahagian dari saya, tapi atas sebab-sebab tertentu, dia terpaksa pergi, jangan terlalu sedih. terimalah kenyataan itu, sekurang-kurangnya dia pernah membahagiakan saya, jadi, saya redah |
title: sicksicksicksiiiiiiiiiiick~! pftt PFTTTTTTT~!!
why in the freaking world am i sick yet again.. no wait.. WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD DID I NOT RECOVER..???? pftt~ benci uhhh~ i hate coughing -__- and yet im still smoking. haha ouh and i bloody head the headaches. thanx la ehh~ and the hate-est-EST part is being all whiny and all kiddish.. pftt~ MAKE ME WELL AGAIN~!!! =\ |
title: why must you keep appearing in my head time and again now..?
why? why after such a long time?? why?? why does my head have to always have your facer in it? remembering and playing back all of those things and times we've done and spent together.. why..?? why now? why now of all times? why you?? of all people why you? why must you be the one? to show me the world.. the whole huge great big wide world.. and leave me alone in it? why?? why do i have to miss you time and over again? why does everything stay in my heart.. in my head?? just like the sambal stain.. on my favourite white tee.. unremoveable, yet irreplaceable. why do u still have to be my superboy till now..? ='( |