Nurul Atikah bte Sari | atie is prefered. (aa-tee) | TWENTY but im still a teen~ |
4teen DECEMBER 9teen9ty |
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title: i know..
i know im not well like-d by people.. people who have yet to know me.. at least i know and i realise it.. but do i have to lose..? unless ur that important in life.. like if i have to work super damn closely to you and like if u r the reason i live and can live and wont b able to live w/o.. than that's a whole different story~ you think i suck..? think back.. what the hell do i suck..? suck ain't even a real work.. its a slang~ ouh just tel me straight to the face~ come one.. you can't be that much younger than me to play such games.. those secondary school things~ "i hate you i tell my friends then it goes to everyone" kinda thing.. or the "i hate you and i leave you a note, from anonymous" -_-" |
title: I freaking need my time out. Seriously! I dun ever remember breaking down every single month! I think this is the worst kind of stress im handling since i was born~ i gucking hate being incharge and hahing wols to be incharge off. Its like might as well i do tings on my own. I dun even noe how the f im gna sort things out. Im so inexperianced! Fuck d spelling. I dun bother~ im tired of shits. Enuf shits already please~ until wen m i gna do tis?? Im tired already.. Its only a few months n im tired. Really i am.. I dun wan to reach a point of time wher i reach a stage wher i gif up and throw everythong so far away and just walk off.. Im nt tt iresponsible so please dun make me feel tt way. Im tired. I really am..
I just need my time off. Please just give me my time off soon please~ im tired. And yah~ im weak like that if u c it s tt. Its not tt i wan to. I rlyy hate to~ Miracel pleasee~ |